赢 创
赢创是全球领先的特种化学品公司,业务遍及100 多个国家和地区。2020 财年,赢创销售额为122亿欧元,营业利润(调整后税息折旧及摊销前利润)达19.1亿欧元。我们超越化学的边界,致力于为客户打造创新型、高营利性以及可持续发展的解决方案。赢创在全球的约33000名员工始终不懈努力,只为让生活变得日益美好。
Evonik is one of the world leaders in specialty chemicals. The company is active in more than 100 countries around the world and generated sales of 12.2 billion Euro and an operating profit (adjusted EBITDA) of 1.91 billion Euro in 2020. Evonik goes far beyond chemistry to create innovative, profitable and sustainable solutions for customers. About 33,000 employees work together for a common purpose: We want to improve life today and tomorrow.
Asia Pacific is a strong driving force of the global economy and an important source of innovation. Consequently Evonik endeavors to further grow its business in the region. Sales reached 2.84 billion Euro in 2020 and the company employs over 5,000 people at more than 50 production sites in Asia Pacific.
9. Non-fossil fuel-derived, biodegradable chemical components for the daily chemical industry
Background: A growing number of companies in the household chemicals industry are committed to sustainability: on the one hand, phasing out fossil fuel-derived chemicals from their product formulations to reduce the burden on the planet from over-exploitation of oil and to help reduce their carbon footprint; on the other hand, increasing the biodegradability of their products to reduce their environmental impact.
Targets: To develop biodegradable chemical components derived from renewable resources such as plants, air ( carbon dioxide ), marine resources and waste.
23. Solutions for marine microfibre pollution
Background: Under mechanical stress, thousands of microfibres (nylon, polyester, etc.) are shed from chemical fibre clothing during the washing process and seep into the groundwater with the washing water, which is then injected into rivers and eventually into the ocean. These microfibres are not biodegradable and are ingested by marine organisms, thus entering the food chain of marine macro-organisms and even humans. A 2017 report by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation estimated that up to 500,000 tonnes of this high pollutant flow into the ocean – 16 times more than the plastic microbeads of the cosmetics industry.
Targets: To develop new anti-shedding fabrics or solutions against microfibre shedding for the clothing washing process.
24. Application of odour absorbers in plastics recycling
Background: In recent years, China pays great attention to the problem of plastic pollution and has increased its efforts in recycling policies for waste plastics. The processing of waste plastics can release unpleasant odours such as vinyl chloride, hydrogen sulphide, sulphur dioxide, amines, ammonia odours and other offensive odours. These unpleasant odours and smells not only have a serious impact on the production environment, but also reduce the quality and grade of recycled plastic products. Evonik has been working in the field of odour absorption for many years and has introduced some innovative products to solve the odour problem, such as a product based on activated zinc ricinolates, which firmly locks in the sulphur and nitrogen containing molecules in the odour so that the odour molecules are not emitted.
Targets: Development of odour absorbers to develop their application in the recycling of waste plastics