阿 科 玛
6. Biosourced, renewable and recyclable raw materials
Background: The climate and environmental emergency requires us all to work towards improving the management of natural resources. Arkema’s innovation is fully engaged in this endeavor.
Targets: To promote the replacement of petroleum raw materials with biosourced, renewable and recyclable raw materials , or solutions to conserve natural water resources so as to make clean water accessible to as many people as possible.
11. Lightweight and designed materials
Background: Today, companies must abide by new increasingly stringent environmental regulations. Carmakers and OEMs have to undertake to reduce the carbon footprint of their vehicles. To fulfil this requirement, Arkema supports the automotive sector, but also the aeronautics industry, by developing lightweight and designed materials.
Targets: To develop high performance thermoplastics as substitutes to glass or metal, and eventually to reduce the weight of structures and therefore help minimize fuel consumption and CO2 emissions.
12. Material development in new energies
Background: Global needs for energy are growing year by year. To meet this demand and tackle dwindling resources, innovating and optimizing existing technologies is becoming a matter of urgency, linked with the UN’s sustainable development goal (SDG 7) “Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all”. Worldwide, green energies posted record growth. Investments totaled $241.6 billion in 2017. For the fifth consecutive year, there was twice more investment in new renewable power capacity than in fossil fuel generating capacity, according to the Renewables 2017 Global Status Report.
Targets: Focus on these new materials developed and used in solar panels, wind turbine blades and electric batteries support society’s transition to new energies, Arkema aims to partner with specialized laboratories, industry and end-users to conduct our research.
13. Electroactive polymers
Background: Futuristic organiA4c electronics promise new applications for Arkema. Our nanostructured polymers are a leap forward in microelectronics and our electroactive polymers pave the way for a host of functionalized, connected objects.Arkema contributes to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG9) “Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation”.
Targets: To develop high-value-added electroactive polymers, in partnership with basic research laboratories, start-ups and semiconductor manufacturers, makes us a pioneer in this high-tech niche.
背景描述:为了把握建筑技术和方法的最新趋势,阿科玛与业内主流企业合作组建了6个创新平台,旨在响应联合国可持续发展目标(SDG 11):“建设包容、安全、有风险抵御能力和可持续的城市及人类住区”。当住宅的选址、建设和使用涉及到环境保护的考量,其可以被称作可持续性住宅。此外,可持续性住宅还应当包含与居家幸福感有关的舒适性概念。
34. Home efficiency & insulation
Background: To anticipate changing trends in construction technologies and methods, to contribute to respond to the UN’s sustainable development goal (SDG 11) “make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable”. Housing is said to be sustainable when its construction, location and use are environmentally responsible. Moreover, sustainable housing must include the notions of comfort tied to wellbeing at home.
Targets: Materials and solutions for sustainable construction, product ranges that contribute to thermal and sound insulation, such as grouting and sealants, glues, bonding agents, and non-polluting mortars.