On November 17 the second roadshow of the 2021 2021 SCIP+ Green Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Innovation and Entrepreneurship Contest was successfully held. Due to the COVID-19, 17 domestic teams and 2 international teams demonstrated “carbon neutral” solutions through online pitch and answered questions from judges in multiple dimensions such as technological innovation and commercial implementation.

经过| 由国际国内领先化工企业、知名高校与科研院所、投资人等组成的豪华评委团的综合评审,三支团队获得直通决赛名额。通过两次路演直通车,6个晋级决赛的名额已全部锁定,他们是:After a comprehensive review by the jury panel composed of leading international and domestic chemical companies, well-known universities and research institutes, investors, etc., three teams won the express pass to the final. Through two roadshows, all 6 places for the finals have been locked. They are:

The organizing committee will match 2-3 experts for each finalist team for pre-match coaching, for a more exciting final performance!