接 力 基 金
Step Fund, established in 2009, is a venture capital focusing on investing in technology start-ups. The Step fund is composed of the venture capital guidance fund of the Ministry of science and technology, the CICC Qiyuan national emerging industry venture capital guidance fund, the Shanghai venture capital guidance fund, the Shanghai technology venture capital FOF and other investors. Since its establishment, it has invested in hundreds of early and medium-term start-ups, focusing on new materials, health care, intelligent manufacturing and services. Step fund currently manages five funds with a scale of more than 1.2 billion yuan.
背景描述:化工板块、尤其是新材料板块,是最近的碳中和产业链环节中的重要一环。其中电子化学品作为超大规模集成电路、分立器件、液晶 LCD 显示器、太阳能电池、LED 等制作过程中不可缺少的关键性基础化工材料,特别是半导体制程中的硅片、掩膜版、光刻胶、高纯湿化学品、特气、靶材和 CMP 等材料,已经随着地缘政治、国家战略和产业升级等问题成为卡脖子性质产品。另外,电动汽车等新能源形式交通产品的高速发展,例如高续航里程需求带来的高能量密度、热管理问题,也对材料的长寿命、密封性、绝缘性、导热性能等提出了更高的挑战,为有机硅、丙烯酸、聚酰亚胺等各种高端电子化学品带来了长足的发展机会。如何抓住这些机会,是业内企业需要面临的紧迫和现实的问题。
14. Electronic chemical materials effectively contribute to innovative applications of carbon neutrality
Background Description: New chemical material is among the most important parts of carbon neutrality industrial chain. Electrical materials are indispensable for manufacturing large-scale integrated circuits, discrete deceives, solar battery and LCD&LED displays. Those materials such as silicon wafers, masks, photoresists, high-purity wet chemical, specialty gases, target and CMP materials are restricted by other countries due to geopolitics, national strategy and industrial upgrading issues.
On the other hand, rapid development of new energy transportation such as long endurance electric automobile challenges the durability, tightness, insulation and thermal conductivity of the materials. Those challenges urge the development of materials such as organosilicon, acrylic acid, polyimide.
The restrictions and challenges mentioned above should be top priority for domestic companies to find a solution for.
Objective: Looking for companies can provide sustainable solutions to realize import substitution or product innovation with better performance through one or more improvement from raw materials, equipment, processes, formulas and applications in order to confront the restrictions and challenges motioned above.