科 思 创
With 2020 sales of EUR 10.7 billion, Covestro is among the world’s leading polymer companies. Business activities are focused on the manufacture of high-tech polymer materials and the development of innovative, sustainable solutions for products used in many areas of daily life. In doing so, Covestro is fully committed to the circular economy. The main industries served are the automotive and transportation industries, construction, furniture and wood processing, as well as electrical, electronics, and household appliances industries. Other sectors include sports and leisure, cosmetics, health and the chemical industry itself. At the end of 2020, Covestro has 33 production sites worldwide and employs approximately 16,500 people (calculated as full-time equivalents).
8. Apply for Bio-based Raw Materials for Chemical Production in the Process of Tracing C Footprint
To trace C footprint is an important approach to realize C Neutral eventually. Currently, the main source of raw materials used for chemical production come from fossil oil and therefore it is main contribution of carbon emission. Considering its unique advantages and looking at the vision of Green Chemistry, we will have to apply more and more raw materials that derive from bio-based sources to gradually replace traditional fossil sources, so as to accomplish the C flow from linear & irreversible to circular & reversible. Please illustrate your ideas and conduct some studies in the regards of policy, technology, management, innovation, and necessity.
背景描述:为了达到碳中和,必须降低 CO2 排放。这也意味着化石燃料的使用将受到限制。因此,人们在日常生产和生活中要把废弃物当作宝贵的碳资源加以回收。开发一种绿色、高效、低成本的聚合物再利用和再生的化学解途径,是一个新的思路。
22. Novel chemolysis method for polymer recycling (key target is the method for PU, PC)
In order to reach the carbon neutral, CO2 emission has to be reduced. It is clear that the use of fossil fuels will be limited. Therefore, waste should be recycled as a valuable carbon resource to continue the daily production and life. Novel idea is highly demanded to develop a green, high efficient and low cost chemolysis approach for polymer reuse and regeneration.