
2024 SCIP+ Green Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Innovation and Entrepreneurship Contest aims to implement the concept of transforming scientific and technological achievements into productivity, enhance the leading role of innovation, improve the independent innovation capability of this industry, and promote the development of green chemistry and chemical engineering industry. It will bring together global innovation resources and outstanding talents, promote the integration of multi-disciplines and multi-fields, encourage start-ups and teams to carry out innovation and entrepreneurship practices and connect industries and markets, build an open collaborative innovation system, promote the cooperation between innovation, industry, capital, talents and service, optimize the technology innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem, and cultivate the culture of innovation and entrepreneurship.

Adhering to the development concept of “Innovation, Coordination, Green, Openness, and Sharing”, this contest closely focuses on the needs of the chemical industry in fields such as “future materials, future energy and future environment”. It will provide participants with innovation and entrepreneurship practice, improve the efficiency of resource use in the chemistry and chemical and engineering industries, reduce carbon emissions, and highlight cleaner energy use, address more efficient process management, greener material life cycle, and more environmentally friendly product design concepts. This contest recruits early-stage scientific and technological innovation achievements and more mature technologies to better promote the healthy and green development of chemistry and chemical engineering industry.


By September 30th, 2024

Note: individuals or team without any registered company should choose “Innovation Group” for application, and registered companies should choose “Entrepreneurship Group” for application.

Any question about the contest and application, please reach us at:

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