Wang Jiming

Academician, Chinese Academy of Engineering


Born in June 1942 Shanghai, Wang Jiming graduated from petroleum refining major of East China College of Chemical Engineering (now East China University of Science and Technology) in September 1964. Wang is academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering and expert in petroleum refining, petrochemical engineering and project management. Having worked as chairman and general manager of Sinopec Shanghai Petrochemical Company, vice president of Sinopec Group, and vice chairman and president of Sinopec Company, Wang is now senior member of Sinopec Science and Technology Department, special vice president of China Enterprise Confederation, president of China Business Council for Sustainable Development, and honorary president of China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation.

In the petrochemical engineering practices, Wang came up with management concepts, approaches and models suitable for China. Wang also facilitated the cooperation and promotion of large cracking furnace and isolation techniques between China and foreign countries, organized key equipment domesticization, realized the first industrial application of domestic pyrolysis gas compressor, propylene and ethylene compressor, hydrogenation reactor etc., and pioneered domestic technique kit in large petrochemical projects.

Zhao Guoping

Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)


Dr. Guoping Zhao, specialized in molecular microbiology, is an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), member of the Third World Academy of Sciences, and fellow of the American Academy of Microbiology.

Born in Shanghai, Chinain August 1948, he obtained a bachelor’s degree in microbiology from Fudan University in 1982 and a doctoral degree in biochemistry from Purdue University in 1990. Currently, He holds the position of the Chief Scientist of Bio-Med Big Data Center, CAS Shanghai Institute of Nutrition and Health; Chairman of the Expert Committee of Key Laboratory of Synthetic Biology, CAS Center for Excellence in Molecular Plant Sciences; Director of the Department of Microbiology and Immunology, School of Life Sciences, Fudan University. He is also the Honorary Director of the Synthetic Biology Specialized Committee of the Chinese Society of Biotechnology, as well as the Honorary Chairman of Shanghai Society of Biotechnology.

He has been engaged in the research of microbial physiology and biochemistry, metabolic regulation and enzyme mechanisms for many years. And participated in the Chinese Human Genome Project by establishing the genomics research platform, initiating the research on bio-chips, bio-informatics and proteomics. He has made groundbreaking work in microbial genome, metabolic enzyme acetylation groups, and gut microbiome. He opened up the new frontier of systems synthetic biology and established the CAS Key Laboratory of Synthetic Biology, laying a solid foundation for the synthesis of natural compounds in artificial cell factories, the construction of single-chromosomal yeast and the creation of CRISPR-Dx systems.

In recent years, he has participated in the establishment and leadership of Bio-Med Big Data Center of the CAS Shanghai Institute of Nutrition and Health, carrying out preliminary research for the creation of a national comprehensive service platform for biomedical big data.

Guo Xiaojun

Party Secretary of the Sinopec Shanghai Petrochemical Co., Ltd.


Guo Xiaojun, born in August 1969, is currently the Secretary of the CPC Committee of the Company.

Mr. Guo Xiaojun joined Shanghai Petrochemical Complex in 1991. Mr. Guo Xiaojun graduated from the East China University of Science and Technology in 1991 with a bachelor’s degree in engineering, majoring in basic organic chemical engineering and obtained a master’s degree majoring in chemical engineering from the East China University of Science and Technology in 2008. He is a senior engineer by professional title.

He served as Director of the Polyolefin Integrated Plant in the Plastics Division, Deputy Chief Engineer of the Plastics Division, Assistant to the Manager, Assistant Manager and Manager and Deputy Secretary of the CPC Committee of the Company.

He was Deputy Chief Engineer and Director of the Production Department of the Company from March 2011 to April 2013.He was Deputy General Manager of the Company from April 2013 to June 2014.

He was Executive Director and Deputy General Manager of the Company from June 2014 to June 2017.

He was Executive Director, Deputy General Manager and Secretary of the Board of Directors of the Company from June 2017 to December 2019.

He served as General Manager and Deputy Secretary of the CPC Committee of Sinopec Yizheng Chemical Fibre Limited Liability Company from December 2019 to December 2022.

From December 2022 to April 2024, he served as Executive Director and the Secretary of the CPC Committee of Sinopec Yizheng Chemical Fibre Limited Liability Company.

In April 2024, he was appointed the Secretary of the CPC Committee of the Company.

Wang Jingyi

Party Secretary and Chairman of Sinopec Shanghai Gaoqiao Petrochemical Co., Ltd.


Wang Jingyi, male, member of the Communist Party of China, MBA, senior engineer, is currently the president and the Party Committee secretary of Sinopec Shanghai GaoQiao Petrochemical Co., Ltd.. He is also the president of Shanghai Sinopec Mitsui Elastomer Co., Ltd., the vice president of Shanghai Sinopec Mitsui Chemical Co., Ltd. and the Director of Shanghai Secco Petrochemical Co., Ltd. He once served as the president and the Party Committee secretary of Yangzi Petrochemical company and Yangzi Petrochemical-BASF Co., Ltd., as well as the Executive Director and the Party Committeesecretary of Sinopec Refinery Sales Co., Ltd..

He has won the first and second prize of National Award of Science and TechnologyProgress, the first prize of Sinopec Science and Technology Progress Award and Sinopec Management Modern Innovation Award. He is also the cultivating candidate of “333 High-level Talents Cultivation Project” of Jiangsu Province and the Model Worker of Nanjing Province.

Gu Lili

Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Shanghai Huayi Group Corporation Limited.


Gu Lili, male, born in May 1972, university degree, MBA, senior economist, member of the Communist Party of China. He served as the Deputy Director of the Economic and Trade Commission of Shigatse Region of Tibet Autonomous Region, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, Chairman of the Supervisory Committee and Chairman of Shanghai Chlor-alkali Chemical Co., Ltd., General Manager of Shanghai Minhang Huayi Small Loan Co., Ltd., Chairman of the Supervisory Committee of Double Coin Holdings Ltd., Deputy Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, General Manager of the Supervision and Audit Department of Shanghai Huayi (Group) Company, Deputy Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, General Manager of the Supervision and Audit Department, Vice-president, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Chairman of the Trade Union of Shanghai Huayi Group Corporation Limited, Chairman of Shanghai Chemical Union. He is currently the Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Shanghai Huayi Group Corporation Limited.

Wang Huifeng

Vice President of East China University of Science and Technology (ECUST)


Wang Huifeng, doctor of engineering, professor, doctoral supervisor. She is currently a member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and Vice President of East China University of Science and Technology. She is also a director of Shanghai Automation Society and a director of China Instrument and Control Society.

Her main research directions include sensor and weak signal detection technology, instrument safety and control system, embedded technology and integrated application of wireless radio frequency technology, and artificial intelligence and intelligent perception technology. She has long been engaged in teaching and scientific research in automation, measurement and control technology and instruments. She undertook the national major instrument project and the national science and technology support plan, wrote professional textbooks such as “Theory and Application of Fieldbus Control System”, and was responsible for the preparation of several joint laboratories of industry, university and research. She has won the first prize of Shanghai Teaching Achievement Award and Baoshan Iron & Steel Co., Ltd Education Award.


Yang Ting

Secretary General of Chemical Park Working Committee of CPCIF


Mr. Yang Ting , Professor Senior Engineer,has been engaged in the planning of petroleum and chemical industry, consultation and study of engineering project, construction and management of engineering project, planning and management of chemical parks as well as market research of petroleum and chemical products. Mr. Yang has lead the organization teams who are working on “Guidelines on Standardized Development of Chemical Parks”, “Evaluation Guidelines of Green Chemical Parks”, “Comprehensive Evaluation Index System of China’s Chemical Parks”which are all guiding documents for chemical parks development. Mr. Yang has also undertaken the pre-planning, market research and project management of quite a few world-scale refining and coal chemical projects in China. In recent years, he has lead to complete over 50 research projects of national ministries and commissions and over 100 development plans for big-sized petrochemical enterprises, general development plans for chemical parks and initial consultation plans of Sino-foreign joint projects, as well as market demand forecast and production technology developing trend research of over 100 petroleum and chemical products. As the main drafter, he has also lead making China’s first National Standard about Chemical Parks “Management Regulations on Public Common Corridor s in Chemical Parks”, and amending over 30 national standards.

Yang Weimin

Head of Sinopec Shanghai Research Institute of Petrochemical Technology


Weimin YANG (1966.4.22-), expert in organic chemical engineering, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering. He received his Ph.D. degree in Physical Chemistry from Nanjing University in 1994.He is the president of Shanghai Research Institute of Petrochemical Technology and the director of the State Key Laboratory of Green Chemical Engineering and Industrial Catalysis.

He has been engaged in the fundamental and applied research and process engineering technology development in the field of organic chemical engineering. He has headed projects of National Key Research and Development Program, projects supported by National Nature Science Foundation of China, and Sinopec Key Projects. Major advances are achieved in areas such as green production of ethylbenzene by diversified feedstock, value-adding conversion and utilization of dilute ethylene, and creation of novel structured zeolites. The research achievements are industrialized in more than 50 clients both home and abroad, bringing significant economic and social benefits.

He has won two 2nd prize of the State Technological Invention Awards, one 2nd prize of the State Scientific and Technological Progress Award, one China Patent Gold Award, and six 1st prizes in Science and Technology at the provincial and ministerial level. He has been awarded the 2nd National Award for Excellence in Innovation, the Industry Innovation Award of the Ho Leung Ho Lee Foundation, and the Hou Debang Chemical Science and Technology Award.

Hou Jinhua

Party Group Member and Vice Chairman of Shanghai Chemical Industry Park Administration Committee


Hou Jinhua, born in May 1965 Shanghai, is Party group member and vice chairman of Shanghai Chemical Industry Park Administration Committee with MBA and senior engineer degree. Ms. Hou has worked as assistant researcher, deputy head of Industrial Investment Department of Shanghai Municipal Economy Commission, deputy head and head of Structural Adjustment Promotion Department and head of Industrial Investment Department of Shanghai Municipal Economy and Information Technology Commission.

Zhu Bin

Party Group Member and Vice Chairman of Shanghai Chemical Industry Park Administration Committee


Zhu Bin, born in July 1965 Yi County (Anhui Province), is Party group member and vice chairman of Shanghai Chemical Industry Park Administration Committee (SCIPAC) with Master of Science. Mr. Zhu has worked as deputy head and head of Planning, Land and Construction Department, and head of Environment Protection Office of SCIPAC etc.

Yang Yang

Head of Department, Cleantech & Future Industry,Commercial and Investment Section of the Consulate General of France in Shanghai


Yang YANG holds a Master’s degree in Economics from the University of Picardie Jules Verne. In 2006, Yang YANG joined the Business France team. Her role within the team was to support small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the automotive industry. Over time, she gained expertise in industrial sectors, including automotive, environment, and chemistry. In 2024, she took on a new role as the head of the Cleantech & Industry of the Future division. In 2024, she took on a new role as the head of the Cleantech & Industry of the Future division. Along with her team, she supports SMEs and mid-sized companies in the energy, environment, new materials, and sustainable development fields in their growth in China through individual services and collective events.

Huang Ximin

Innovation Director, SUEZ Asia


She graduated from Hohai University, ENSIL-ENSIC (France National Engineering School of Limoges) and Tsinghua University. In 2006, she won scholarship from France Embassy in China to study in France. She holds 3 Master diplomas in the fields of Environment resources management & Urban planning, Water & Environment, and Business Administration Management.

She has been working for SUEZ since 2008, with career path crossing multiple departments and different positions. Since 2015, she has been taking the position of Innovation director in SUEZ Asia, fully responsible for managing Innovation and Research activities of SUEZ Asia, including internal R&I programs management, external open innovation cooperation with start-ups & academics & partners, and expertise network management. In 2016, in addition to SUEZ Asia Innovation Director, she also served as Special assistant to CEO of Water. In 2020, she was appointed as SUEZ Asia RISE director, in charge of Research, Innovation, Digital transform and Ventures investment.

Holding full concept of BIG open innovation, she will lead innovation to support new SUEZ’s ambitious development future in Asia environmental market.

In addition to 15 years’ service in SUEZ, she also has working experience in 3 other Multinational enterprises in the areas of Environment and Green energy, Veolia (French company), Bouygues-Saur (French company) and Abengoa (Spanish company).


Huang Xiangyu

Vice President of the Sinopec Shanghai Petrochemical Co., Ltd.


Huang Xiangyu, is serving as the Vice President of the SINOPEC Shanghai Petrochemical Company. Mr. Huang graduated from the Organic Chemical Major of School of Chemical Engineering, East China University of Science and Technology with a bachelor’s degree in Engineering in July 1990. He obtained a master’s degree in Engineering from Donghua University in May 2004. He graduated from Polymeric Chemistry and Physics Major of Fudan University with a doctor’s degree in Engineering in June 2013. He is a senior engineer by professional title. Mr. Huang joined the Complex in 1992. He served as Chief Engineer of Acrylic Business Unit and the Director of the Acrylic Fiber Research Institute and Chief Engineer of the Acrylic Fiber Department and Deputy Chief Engineer of the SPC.

Luo Yong

General Manager of the Department of science technology of Shanghai Huayi (Group) Company


Luo Yong was born in 1974, received doctoral degree in 2002 from East China University of Science and Technology. He is the general manager of the department of science technology of Shanghai Huayi (Group) Company, professor, deputy director of national key Lab of polyolefins catalytic technique and high performance materials, deputy director of national isotope engineering technology research center-Shanghai subcenter. editorial board member of “Fine chemiclas” , “Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress”, “Journal of isotopes”, et al. He was honored the first prize of scientific and technological progress, second prize of technological invention of Shanghai municipality, Outstanding contribution award of Youth Science and technology of China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation, excellent technical leader of Shanghai, Innovation Award of Hou Debang Chemical Technology of China Chemical Society, special government allowance of the State Council, leading talents of Shanghai and so on.

He worked on industrial catalysis and functional material with rich experience in technology development, undertook over 40 scientific research projects, applied for more than 50 invention patents, published more than 100 papers (over 40 coverd by SCI/EI) , and guided over 20 postdoctoral and postgraduate in his research field.

Lei Huanli

Senior Vice President, Covestro Group


Holly Lei (Senior Vice President, Covestro Group, President of Covestro China) is the first local female leader for this position in Covestro China.

Lei holds a bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering from Dalian University of Technology in China and a master’s degree in material science from Université de Sherbrooke in Canada. She has also received executive training at INSEAD Business School in France.

With a strong technical background in chemical engineering and material science, Lei started her career at Bayer MaterialScience (the predecessor company of Covestro) in 1999 as a technical representative, and has since increased responsibilities focusing on sales, marketing and R&D . She held various management positions in China, the APAC region and globally, and devoted her cross-industry insights and customer centric mindset to develop Covestro’s business globally.

As a seasoned leader strong at managing dispersed teams, Lei is also an affectionate people leader and excels at fostering an environment that allows people to flourish and develop to their fullest potential. As an avid ambassador of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) at Covestro, she is actively involved in promoting Female leadership in the workplace and DEI culture. And she was granted with several awards for her outstanding contribution and social influence, such as, 2020 China Women in Tech by Forbes, 2021 China Most Powerful Women by Fortune, etc.

Lei is also a supervisory board member of GEA Group AG, a board member of the Shanghai Chapter of the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China, and Vice Chairman of the Shanghai Chemical Industry Park International Experts’ Consultancy Forum.

Sun Wenqing

Chairman of ExxonMobil Asia Pacific Research & Development Company


Wenqing Sun, currently is Asia Pacific Technology Operations Manager and Chairman of ExxonMobil Asia Pacific Research & Development Company. Born in Shanghai, he graduated from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology with degrees in Chemical Engineering. He joined ExxonMobil in 2006 and took multiple assignments in Technology, Marketing, Sales and Manufacturing, based in Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Houston. He has been responsible for Polyethylene and Specialty Polymer business in China market for many years. Now his portfolio focuses on facilitating business growth in Asia Pacific region to demonstrate ExxonMobil advanced technology capability.

Hu Dongqi

Managing Director of TFL China


Dr.Hu Dongqi started his theoretical physics study at the University of Science & Technology of China in 1978 and awarded by the Chinese National Ministry of Education for study in Germany in 1980.

He received his undergraduate and PhD in Chemistry from the University Heidelberg in 1990 and awarded with postdoc fellowship of the German Research Foundation (DFG) in Stanford University USA in 1991/1992.

He joined Bayer in 1993 and held different positions in R&D, Marketing and Production. In 1997, he was transferred to Wuxi to start a green- field plant- Bayer (Wuxi) Leather Chemical Co., Ltd.

From 2003 to April of 2019, he was the General Manager of the LANXESS (Wuxi) High Performance Composite Materials Co.,Ltd. In 2010, he took over the position as the Managing Director of LANXESS (Changzhou) Co., Ltd. In 2013, Dongqi Hu was appointed Director of Innovation & Technology, LANXESS Greater China in addition to his roles in Changzhou and Wuxi.

Dr.Hu Dongqi now is the Managing Director of LANXESS (Changzhou) Co., Ltd. and Director of Innovation & Technology, LANXESS Greater China, and He has been Managing Director of TFL China since 2021.

Winnie Ding

APAC CTO of Honeywell ESS Group


Winnie Ding, Ph.D. in Materials Science. She joined Honeywell in 2009 and successively served as the Global Innovation leader for Industrial Safety Products, the Global CTO for Personal Protective Products, and the Sr. Director for Advanced Materials in APAC. Currently, she has been named as the Chief Technology Officer of Honeywell ESS Group and the Secretary General of the Sustainable Development Research Institute, mainly responsible for new technology development and industrialization. The fields cover advanced materials, process control systems, smart energy solutions, and petrochemical refining processes and equipment. By providing more energy-efficient, environmentally friendly, and safer new technology solutions, create more value for customers and society.

Chen Yun

Head of Performance Material Operations APAC, Head of Covestro Integrated Site Shanghai


Dr. Yun Chen, Head of Performance Material Operations APAC, Head of Covestro Integrated Site Shanghai.

Born on January 10th, 1964 in Hunan province, Yun Chen studied chemical engineering at the Beijing Institute of Technology and afterwards at the East China University of Science and Technology in Shanghai followed by a PhD study in organic chemistry at the Technical University of Darmstadt (Germany).

He entered Covestro (Bayer at that time) in 1994 as Lab Manager in Germany and in 1999 became deputy plant manager of Polycarbonates (PCS). In 2001 he was transferred to Shanghai to become plant manager of Polycarbonates BPA/SPC train and in 2008 he became Head of P&T Polycarbonates at Covestro Integrated Site Shanghai. In January 2014, he became the member of BTS Management Committee and Head of BTS Asia.

On January 1st , 2017, Dr. Yun Chen is appointed as the Head of Covestro Integrated Site Shanghai.

On July 1st , 2021, Dr. Yun Chen is appointed as Head of Performance Material Operations APAC, Head of Covestro Integrated Site Shanghai.

Chen Jinqiu

Senior Vice President of Operations & Site Management, Greater China Region Chairman of Evonik Specialty Chemicals (Shanghai) Co., Ltd


Region and the Chairman of Evonik Specialty Chemicals (Shanghai) Co., Ltd, He also manages for ESHQ and Energy departments in Greater China Region as well as Multi-User-Site-China. Dr. Jinqiu Chen studied at Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Jiangnan University and Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica. After getting the scholarship from Ministry of Education, he went to Germany for further study in 1988 and later obtained PhD at Dortmund University.

Dr. Jinqiu Chen joined Hüls AG in Marl (one of the predecessors of Evonik Industries AG) as R&D Manager of Latices in 1994. Then he took several management positions in PolymerLatex GmbH. In November 2008, Dr. Jinqiu Chen went back to China as Deputy Operation Director of MATCH Project, Evonik Degussa Specialty Chemicals (Shanghai) Co. Ltd. And then took the position of General Manager and the site manager of Evonik Multi-User-Site-China since March 2010. In January 2020, Dr. Jinqiu Chen became senior Vice President of Operations & Site Management, Greater China Region. From March 2021, he also took the position of Chairman of Evonik Specialty Chemicals (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.

Since his return to China, Dr. Jinqiu Chen has built a good safety culture in Greater China Region and has supported successful implementation of several investment projects, while actively promoting Sustainable Development and Responsible Care. In the past years, Evonik Specialty Chemicals (Shanghai) Co., Ltd was awarded “Fortune 100 of Fengxian” and “SCIP Safety Production Advanced Unit” for many years and twice “China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Responsible Care Best Practice Corporation Award”. He was also awarded “Director Award” in SCIP for many times.

In 2012, Dr. Jinqiu Chen was awarded “The Magnolia Silver Award”. In 2017, he was awarded “The Magnolia Gold Award”.

Gary Knight

Vice President of INVISTA Integrated Nylon Operations


Gary Knight graduated from West Virginia University with degree in electrical engineering.Mr. Knight is Vice President of INVISTA Integrated Nylon Operations with responsibility for Asia and Europe. In this capacity, he is responsible for all operating facilities in China, the EU and the UK. formulating and implementing major production and operation strategies and investment plans, including the 7 billion RMB adiponitrile project that INVISTA is currently investing in Shanghai Chemical Industrial Park. He has been committed to developing the business capabilities of the local team to ensure the sustainable development of the company’s nylon integrated business.

Mr. Knight was transferred to Shanghai in August 2013 as Vice President of Global Operations for the INVISTA Apparel business. Prior to transferring to China, he served as the Global Director of the INVISTA Operations Excellence capability. He has been involved in numerous operations leadership roles in the US and has extensive international management experience in manufacturing operations. In recognition of his contributions to China’s growth, Mr. Knight was granted a China Permanent Resident Card in December 2018.

Lilian Lu

VP BD New Energy of Vopak China Management Co., Ltd.


2002 – 2023 Joined Maersk China, mainly engaged in strategic investment projects, served as strategic investment project manager, head of strategic investment & growth in China, etc., successively for Maersk in China investment and acquisition of a number of wholly owned and joint venture projects, to help Maersk’s core business growth in China.

2024, January – Present Joined Vopak (Shanghai) Management Co., Ltd, Vice President of New Energy Business Development, mainly engaged in the development of Vopak’s new energy business in China and North Asia.

Zhao Yanchao

Vice President of Red Avenue New Materials Group


He graduated from East China University of Science and Technology in February 2008 with a Ph.D. degree in Materials Science. From 2008 to 2010, he worked as a postdoctoral researcher in the National Key Laboratory of Polymer Materials Engineering CNRS UMR 5223 (Ingénierie des Matériaux Polymères) in France. Since November 2010, he has worked in Red Avenue New Materials Group Co., Ltd., serving as senior R&D engineer, deputy director of R&D and vice president successively.

He has more than 15 years of polymer material research and development experience, mainly focusing on the synthesis and application of phenolic resins for tires and degradable materials and has more than 10 related patents. In 2016, as the main participant, he won the first prize of the 2016 China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation Science and Technology Progress Award with the project “Key Technologies for Industrialization of Functional Resins for Ten Thousand-Tier Tire Industry”

Wang Ruijia

Business Development Manager for Asia for Sasol Co. Ltd.


Ray Wang graduated with a Ph.D degree in Materials Science from Virginia Tech in United States. Dr. Wang has worked in both National Energy Technology Laboratory and multi-national corporations. Dr. Wang has a wide range of research interests from physical chemistry to industrial manufacturing, especially in chemical and energy technologies. In the past 10 years, Dr. Wang did research including clean coal technologies, natural gas hydrate, enhanced oil recovery and shale gas recovery. Dr. Wang has experience from technology development to commercialization. Ray was invited to give trainings at energy workshops jointly held by US Trade and Development Agency and National Energy Administrative of China. Dr. Ray Wang has much experience in managing overseas / cross-culture joint venture company. Ray is currently the business development manager for Asia for Sasol Co. Ltd., focusing on joint venture creation, M&A and new business development in Asia.

He is a board member of the ‘Edgar Snow Memorial Foundation’ in United States, dedicated for the exchange of culture, economy and education between US and China. Dr. Ray Wang was awarded ‘Future Leader of the year – US/China Business Exchange Award’ by the American Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai. Ray received the “Rising Star” award by UK’s Reed Business Information ICIS.

Han Songqing

Director of Product Public Policy Advocacy, Asia Pacific and in the Business Unit of Polymer Additives, LANXESS Chemical (China) Co.


Songqing Han, working as Director of Product Public Policy Advocacy, Asia Pacific and in the Business Unit of Polymer Additives, LANXESS Chemical (China) Co. In 2000, He graduated from the School of Chemical Engineering and Materials of Beijing Institute of Technology with PhD degree in Materials Science, during which he focused on polymer flame retardant mechanism research.

After graduation, Dr. Han worked as Sales Manager, Technical Sales Manager, Product Public Policy Advocate Manager and Director in the Polymer Additives Business Unit of Great Lakes Chemical Corporation, Chemtura and Lanxess Chemicals. For many years, Dr. Han has been promoting and advancing scientific knowledge and science-based regulations and standards related to flame retardants.
Industry associations and organisations currently served:

  • Vice Chairman of CPCIF Flame Retardant Materials Special Committee of Sinopec Federation
  • Director of China Flame Retardant Society
  • Chairman of BSEF China Working Group, International Bromine Counci
  • Member of Sub-Committee 15 of China Fire Protection Standardisation Committee and Working Group on Flame Retardant Chemicals of National Chemical Standardisation Technical Committee

Chen Wansuo

Operation Head,BASF


Frank CHEN – Wan Suo, born in Taizhou city, Jiangsu Province on Jun-24, 1976 and graduated from Zhejiang University with Ph. Degree of Chemical Engineering and Technology in 2005, majored in asymmetric organic synthesis, have published lots of papers in the advanced chemistry journals as well as patents granted. After the graduation, Frank joined IFF (International Flavors & Fragrances) as process engineer focused on R&D and product transfer, and in 2007 joined BACC (BASF Advanced Chemicals) as plant manager. Since then, Frank internally transferred to BCCS (BASF Care Chemical), BTW (BASF Taiwan) and BACH (BASF Chemicals) as senior cluster manager, operation head and so on. Frank is familiar with the manufacturing and technology of flavors ingredients, pigment, dyestuff, surfactant, synthetic lubricant, UV-filter and resin etc.

Liu Weiqing

Director of R&D, Arkema Greater China


Started career with Arkema R&D in 2012, after completing his doctoral thesis in France at Mines Paristech. Since then involved in various missions within R&D function, taking different leadership roles, including product development of long-chain polyamides, product stewardship and plant/product line integration after M&A. Took position of Director of Arkema R&D center in Changshu since 2020. Now is also leading Startup Connect program of Arkema in great China and SEA region.

Wang Yu

Principal Market Development PGMs, China, Anglo American Plc. Group


Wendy Wang currently works in Anglo American Resources Trading (China) as a vice general manager specializing in precious group metals related market development by exploring investment opportunities in green chemistry and carbon neutralization applications that can drive PGM demand. Wendy has accumulated over 25 years of working experience in a wide variety of MNCs such as Honeywell Industrial Automation Control, Emerson Electric, DuPont and Chemours before finally joining Anglo American in 2019. These 25 years of expertise include experiences in product planning, business strategy, sales and marketing management in a multitude of industries such as Oil and Gas, Automobile, Building Materials, Iron and Steel, HVAC and Fluorochemicals. This expertise positions Wendy well for her current role and responsibilities.

Shi Zhaolong

Senior Expert for Materials at L’Oréal North ASIA


Mr. Zhaolong SHI is the Senior Expert for Materials at L’Oréal North ASIA. His job is to define the new packaging materials to support L’Oréal sustainability program for 2030. He has 3 main missions: identify, develop and manage partnerships on new materials (based on new plastic recycling technologies, bioplastics or “plastic free” solutions).

Mr. Zhaolong SHI has more than 10 years of experience in the field of chemical engineering and materials development with leading responsibilities in a number of innovative research and process development projects.

Hu Tao

General manager of Shanghai Chemical Industry Zone Industrial Gases Co.


Tao Hu, joined Air Liquide France in 2008 and has been responsible for projects, operations, commerce and finance in China and France. He is currently the general manager of Air Liquide’s subsidiary – Shanghai Chemical Industry Zone Industrial Gases Co.

Zhang Wei

Henkel (China) Investment Co., Ltd Director of Innovation Excellence, APAC


Mr. Zhang holds a bachelor’s degree in automation from Shanghai Jiao Tong University and an MBA from the University of Michigan. Mr. Zhang joined Henkel in 2013 and has successively served as the Head of APAC Strategic Planning Office, Director of Innovation Excellence for APAC, and the Head of CVC China. Participate in corporate strategy development in APAC, focus on screening and investment on startups in the field of advanced materials, develop and implement major research and development innovation strategy and investment plans, including the recent investment in the construction of Shanghai Inspiration Center and Application Innovation Center in SCIP, etc.

Before joining Henkel, Mr. Zhang successively worked in Accenture, International Paper Asia Pacific Strategy Department, and other multinational companies, and participated in the development of corporate strategy, business process reengineering, investment and acquisition, business operation and other work.

Hao Ye

China R&D director for Syensqo


Hao Ye, China R&D director for Syensqo (formerly known as Solvay), Belgium. He leads the R&D team in China and oversees the execution of innovation strategies. Previously, he served as the Director of Global R&D Excellence Operations at Solvay, where he managed and coordinated the quality systems, safe operations, digital transformation, financial operations, and external affairs of R&D centers worldwide. He also held the position of Global Market Manager for Monomers and Polymers, responsible for market strategies and product innovation directions. He has served as the Business Development Manager and R&D Manager for the Asia Pacific region in Solvay business unit. Before joining Solvay, he was a Senior Process Engineer at Lonza, Switzerland, working on process design, plant construction, and process optimization. He began his career as a full-time teacher at the School of Chemical Engineering at East China University of Science and Technology, engaging in teaching and research work.

Wang Zhihui

Emerson, Director Strategic Accounts, S&D, Marketing & Lifecycle Services


Julie holds a bachelor’s degree in Automation and an MBA degree fromShanghai Jiao Tong University.Julie joined Emerson in 2012 and currently serves as Director of Strategic Account Management, Sustainable & Decarbonization strategy, Marketing, and Life Cycle Services in China. She leads the China marketing team to develop marketing strategy, brand promotion, marketing, content operation and digital marketing system. In addition, she is responsible for the management of strategic accounts and driving the implementation of Emerson’s sustainability strategy in China, helping Chinese industrial users accelerate the realization of sustainable development goals and continuously improve the user life cycle experience.

Over past 12 years with Emerson, Julie served as Director of the Digital Transformation Business Unit, Manager of Strategic Planning in China, Product Manager of Power and water solutions business, and Head of the Power Export Business.

Tony Zha

M&A and Special Projects Manager for ICL Asia


Born in December 1977, he graduated from China University of Geosciences in 1999 with a Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry and is currently working as an M&A and Special Projects Manager for ICL Asia. He has a chemical and technical background and has many years of hands-on experience in multinational companies in the areas of sales and marketing, management, investment and M&A and company reorganization and restructuring, and has been involved in many investment and M&A projects and post-investment operations and management.

Tian Liang

Deputy General Manager of Operation Department, Director of Planning Department ,Shanghai SECCO Petrochemical Co.,Ltd.


Tian Liang, male, born in May 1979, has obtained Bachelor’s degree in Petroleum Processing and Master’s degree in Chemical Engineering from East China University of Science and Technology, and has the title of Senior Engineer. He is now assistant general manager, deputy general manager of operation department and director of planning department of Shanghai SECCO Petrochemical Co. Before, he was the deputy director of ethylene plant of Refining & Chemical Department, deputy director of polyolefin plant of Plastics Department, director of Development Project Department (Investment, Reserch& Technology and Engineering), general manager of Aromatic Hydrocarbons Department of SPC. He was awarded the Second Prize of National Scientific and Technological Progress, the First Prize of Scientific and Technological Progress of the Ministry of Education, the title of Expert with Outstanding Contributions of SINOPEC, and the SINOPEC Min Enze Scientific and Technological Talent Award. He is an expert in the National Science and Technology Award Expert Pool.

He has many years of experience in production operation, safety and environmental protection, technology management, energy optimization of large-scale petrochemical plants and synthetic materials plants for ethylene, aromatics and polyolefin, as well as many years of experience in the overall operation management of large petrochemical enterprises.

Successful experience in investment management, science and technology management, and engineering construction in the petrochemical and material chemical industry, with multiple large-scale projects executed at different stages. He has unique insights and rich experience in large-scale petrochemical plant modelling, steady-state optimization, and real-time optimization for digital empowerment.

Zhu Xinyuan

Vice President and Member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee, Shanghai Jiao Tong University


Xinyuan Zhu, Distinguished Professor and Vice President of Shanghai Jiao Tong University. He received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees at Donghua University and obtained his Ph.D. degree at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. He joined the BASF research laboratory at the Institut de Science et d’Ingénierie Supramoléculaires in Strasbourg as a post-doctoral researcher from 2003 to 2005. He became a Full Professor for Polymer Science and Engineering at Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 2005, and was promoted as a Distinguished Professor in 2011. Prof. Zhu focuses his research interests on functional polymers, biomedical materials, nano-biomedicine, etc.. He has presided over dozens of national, provincial, ministerial and enterprise scientific research projects, and has published more than 400 academic papers, 60 authorized patents with some of them commercialized.

Zhao Zhen

Member of Donghua University CPC Committee, Vice President of Donghua University.


Prof. ZHAO Zhen, born in June 1972, is the Standing Member of Donghua University CPC Committee, and Vice President of Donghua University. He got Bachelor degree, Master degree and Ph. D from Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) in 1994, 1999 and 2002 respectively, majoring in materials processing engineering.

He has served in several positions in SJTU in last years such as the Deputy Secretary, Secretary of the Dept. of Plasticity Technology CPC Committee, Vice Dean of School of Materials Science and Engineering, Deputy Director of HR Office, Director of Office of Asset Management and Laboratory, Secretary of School of Mathematical Science CPC Committee, Director of HR Office. Since February 2023, he served as the Standing Member of Donghua University CPC Committee, and Vice President of the university.

His research is mainly focused on material forming as well as related die/mould technology. He is the Director of National Engineering Research Center of Die and Mould CAD, Vice Chairman of China Society for Technology of Plasticity, CMES, Vice President of China Die and Mould Industry Association, and Director of China Association of Higher Education.

Ji Chengchang

PhD supervisor, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Donghua University


Chengchang Ji, male, born in 1964, Doctor of engineering, Professor, Doctoral supervisor. Shuguang Scholar of Shanghai, Director of transformation center of science and technology achievement in Donghua University. He obtained bachelor’s degree and master’s degree in Tsinghua University and doctor’s degree in Shanghai Jiaotong University. He has long term research experience in new material development, composite materials and equipment technology research. In recent years, He has presided over and participated in more than 10 projects, including Shanghai Shuguang project, 863 project, National Natural Science Foundation project, Shanghai key scientific and technological research project, and national key R&D plan. He has won 2 Second Class Prizes of The State Scientific and Technological Progress Awards, 5 Provincial and Ministerial Science and Technology Awards. He has published more than 70 papers in academic journals at home and abroad, and authorized more than 30 invention patents.

Liu Bing

Vice President of Shanghai Institute of IC Materials


Bing Liu, Ph.D., Professorate senior engineer, Senior Vice President/Chief Technical Officer of Shanghai Institute of IC Materials. Bing Liu has been engaged in electronic materials research and management for more than 30 years. He successively served as the project leader of Dalian Research& Design Chemical Institute of Chemical Industry (formerly the Ministry of Chemical Industry), the Chief Engineer/Vice President of Jingrui Electronic Materials Co., Ltd., and the General Manager/Chairman of Jingrui Hubei Microelectronic Materials Co., Ltd.

Bing Liu currently serves as the deputy director of the China Semiconductor Equipment and Materials Standardization Technical Committee, Expert Committee Member of the National Integrated Circuit Industry Investment Fund (National Big Fund) Advisory Committee, Independent Committee Member of the SINO-IC Capital Investment Committee, China Electronic Materials Industry Association Expert Committee Member, a member of the Integrated Circuit Materials Industry Technology Innovative Alliance Standardization Technical Committee, part-time professor of the Advanced Materials Research Institute of Nanjing Tech University, etc.

Zhou Zhihua

Director of transformation center of science and technology achievement in Donghua University


Prof. Dr. Zhihua Zhou, an expert in fungal molecular genetics and synthetic biology. She earned her Ph.D. at the University of Tokyo, Japan in 2000. After she finished her postdoctoral study about molecular ecology of fungi in 2003. She started her independent research career at Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences of The Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) as a Principal investigator in 2004, and granted with 100 Talents Programme of CAS in 2005. Her major research interests include uncovering the synthetic pathways and characterize novel enzymes involving in bio-synthesis of plant rare natural products as well as establishing and optimizing fungal cell factories to produce important natural products or protein product at high efficiency.

Qin Han

BASF Venture Capital – Head of China


Education and Qualifications
2013-2014 University of Oxford MBA with concentration in Finance
Saïd Business School, UK GMAT 720 (94th percentile)
2003-2008 Western University, Honours Business Administration
Richard Ivey School of Business, Canada, Dean’s Honor List (GPA: 3.7)
Work Experience
Feb 18 – Present BASF Venture Capital – Head of China Shanghai, China
BASF Venture Capital (BVC) is the investment arm of BASF Group.
• Established China venture activities for BVC in 2018. Portfolio includes 10 direct investments and 4 fund investments with TVPI of 1.8x and realized return of 10 mRMB. (~60% of global activities)
• Established 1.5 bRMB investment funds focus on E-mobility, Sustainability, and Digitalization. First BASF board approved fund leveraging external capital and partners.
Jun 15 – Oct 2017 Prosnav Capital – Investment Head Shanghai, China
Prosnav Capital is an asset management founded in 2009, the firm manages about 20 billion RMB worth of assets.
• Negotiated with local and global GPs for Chinese private wealth and institutional clients, investing 2 billion RMB per year.
• Executed multiple direct equity transactions, including investment in the healthcare, TMT, tourism, and entertainment sector, with deal size up to 700 million RMB.
Apr 14 – May 15 Dalian Ports and Shipping Fund – Fund Manager Shanghai, China
Dalian Ports and Shipping Fund (PSF) is a 5 billion RMB government guidance fund focused on investment in the logistic and infrastructure sector.
• Led the restructured team through several worked-out cases, including refinancing and resolution to a legal dispute of 212 million RMB.
Sep 11 – Jun 13 Nordea Bank – Assistant Relationship Manager Shanghai, China
• Executed bilateral and syndicated debt facilities where Nordea was appointed as the sole lead agent, including deal of the year in 2011.
Jul 08 – Aug 11 Goldman Sachs – Analyst Shanghai, China
• Managed Private Wealth and Hedge Fund clients’ margin positions via financial modeling and stress test.

Cao Erning

Investment Director for Asia, Evonik Venture Capital


Erning Cao studied Economics in Shanghai University of Finance and Economics with a master degree on business administration and Chinese CPA qualification.

After graduation in 1995 he worked in various finance, business administration functions for Alstom and Siemens in China and Singapore, including as CFO for Siemens JV businesses in China.

Erning Cao joined Evonik in 2008 as Regional Controller for Greater China. Thereafter he took responsibilities as Asia Controller for Business Unit, Global Controller for Business Lines in Germany.

Since early 2018 Erning joined Evonik Venture Capital team as investment director for Asia.

Howard Huang

SABIC Ventures APAC Senior Technology Manager


Howard Huang is a PhD of Tsinghua University, and has 20+ years experiences in chemicals and new materials industries.SABIC Ventures APAC Senior Technology Manager, responsible for screening and execution of strategic opportunities in the region, focusing on innovative technologies of chemicals and new materials in SABIC’s strategic growth areas.

Ji Jie

Senior Manager, Venture & Business Development, Dow Chemical (China) Investment Co. Ltd.


Mr. Ji champions Dow’s collaboration and investment with startup companies in Asia Pacific region. He holds Bachelor and Master Degree in Chemistry from Fudan University, and he is also a CFA candidate. He joined Dow in 2007 and has taken various roles in Core R&D, Business R&D, Business Development and Investment.

Clara Martiny

Investment manager of SGR Shanghai, Asia Pacific Region


Clara Martiny looks after the APAC activities of NOVA, the venture arm of Saint-Gobain, working especially on topics such as Advanced Materials, Electrification of Transportations and Industrial Energy Transition. Clara has a background in finance and consulting in Paris and London before relocating to Shanghai.

Liu Chunsong

Managing Partner of Step Fund


Mr. Liu Chunsong (MBA,CTA) is currently the managing partner of Step Fund.

He served as the advisor of Master of Finance at Tongji University, the president of Tongji investment and financing Alumni Association, the advisor of innovation and entrepreneurship education of Tongji University, and the professional advisor of Antai college of Shanghai Jiaotong University.

He was Member of Yangpu District Political Consultative Committee and Youth League, first batch of innovative major tutors certified by MOE and judging expert/tutor of China Innovative Enterprise Competition.

He had worked at EFG foundation since 2006 and he was co-founder of Step Fund in 2009. He has invested in more than one hundred early-stage technology start-up projects, among which companies such as Titan Technology, Shanghai Universal Biotech, and Shanghai Smart Control have grown from angel round investments to become listed companies on the Science and Technology Innovation Board (STB), the Growth Enterprise Market (GEM), and the Main Board. He has rich experience in investment, operation and management of start-up projects.

Shi Xuesong

Managing Partner of Longwater Investment


Stephen Shi, Managing Partner, Longwater Investment

Stephen graduated from Nanjing University with a major of Chemistry in 1995, and received his MBA degree from Peking University in 2003. He had worked for a chemical company for more than 9 years before he switched to be chief chemical analyst at CICC. He received rewards of the best analyst from New Fortune and Securities Market Weekly at CICC.

Stephen has been focusing on and researching the chemical and material industry for more than 20 years, and has deep insights and wide horizon towards material sector. He also used to be a fund manger of Shanghai Broadvision Invesment and an independent director of Yunnan Yuntianhua Co,. Ltd.

Hua Xiubing

Management Director of Richland Capital


Xiubing Hua, Management Director of Richland Capital, has been engaged in investment in new materials and fine chemicals for more than 10 years, and has worked for Unilever、DSM in the Netherlands, where he was actively engaged in materials research and development. He has been focusing on the new materials industry for more than 10 years and has been a judge of many provincial and municipal new materials innovation and entrepreneurship competitions. Previous investment cases include: Shenghui New Material, Del Technology, Koyi Polymer, Ruixin New Material, etc.

Zou Tao​

Management Director of Zhongke Advantage and Partner of PreIPO


Zou Tao​ has More than 15 years of entrepreneur experience, involving large consumption, TMT, environmental protection fields, currently engaged in financial investment banking and business incubation work. In 2016 I began to involve in the capital market investment industry, focusing on hard technology track investment and incubation business, investment and incubation including biomedicine,3D vision, robot technology, advanced manufacturing and semiconductors, there are more than 20 companies involved.

In 2020, I founded Zhongke Advantage (Science and Technology Capital), a hard technology investment company, which was committed to helping scientists(domestic and overseas) transform and industrialize the core technologies they have mastered; At the same time, through technology transaction services, it helped domestic traditional enterprises and listed companies to carry out technological transformation and upgrading; Through project incubation and talent attraction, cooperated with local governments to carry out industrial upgrading, and replaced switched the kinetic energy from old to new.

At present, I have cooperated with dozens of top scientists and entrepreneurs to operate scientific and technological achievements industry, also incubated and cultivated a number of industry-leading projects.

Yu Xiaojun

Partner of KPMG China


Edward has more than 23 years experience in providing professional services to those listed companies, state-owned enterprises, multinational companies and private-owned companies. Edward has deep knowledge of accounting regulations and relevant regulatory requirements, including IFRS, PRC Accounting Standards and Hong Kong Listing Rules. Edward has extensive experience in providing IPO and annual audit service and is also experienced in group restructuring, due deligence and M&A.

Fang Qi

General Manager, Science and Technology Finance Centre, ICBC Shanghai Branch


Fang Qi graduated from the Department of Economics of Fudan University, and is currently serving as the general manager of the ICBC Science and Technology Finance Centre. He has worked in bank for 20 years and has extensive credit experience. During this period, he participated in the preparation of ICBC Science and Technology Innovation Enterprise Financial Service Center, as well as the design of the credit granting and evaluation system, as well as the innovative products and service models. He has led the team to provide a basket of financial solutions for a large number of “hardcore” technology head enterprises.

Brandon Zhou

Chairman of Beijing Shuimu Luoyi


Mr. Zhou is the Publisher of MIT Technology Review China. In 2015, he officially established Beijing Yanyi Technology Co., Ltd. and founded DeepTech. Beijing Shuimu Luoyi Technology Co., Ltd was founded in 2023.

Neil Zeng

Partner at Future Capital Discovery Fund


Neil served as Partner at Future Capital Discovery Fund. He has over 15 years of experience in operations, finance, and investments. Prior to joining, he worked at Goldman Sachs’ London office, Bosch Group, and served as the Vice President of ChinaCache (NSDQ: CCIH) responsible for corporate M&A. He received a BA from the Shanghai University of International Business and Economics and earned a Masters’ Degree from the University of Surrey. He is fluent in Chinese, English, and Japanese.

Huang Kuan

Head of Green Technology Research Institute


Dr. Huang has more than 15 years’ experience in the area of green technology R&D and commercialization, focusing on investment in biosynthesis, new materials and new energy. Prior, Dr.

Dr. Huang has more than 15 years’ experience in the area of green technology R&D and commercialization, focusing on investment in biosynthesis, new materials and new energy. Prior, Dr. Huang was the Manager of Product and Market at Picarro, a technology company with specialty in sensor and IoT in Silicon Valley. Previously, he was a project manager with National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) under U.S. Department of Commerce and Princeton-BP “Carbon Mitigation Initiative” researcher where he worked on US energy policies and carbon emission monitoring technologies. Dr. Huang holds a Bachelor’s degree in Earth Science from Peking University, a Master’s degree in Earth Science from Hong Kong University and a Ph.D. in environmental engineering from Princeton University.

Huang was the Manager of Product and Market at Picarro, a technology company with specialty in sensor and IoT in Silicon Valley. Previously, he was a project manager with National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) under U.S. Department of Commerce and Princeton-BP “Carbon Mitigation Initiative” researcher where he worked on US energy policies and carbon emission monitoring technologies. Dr. Huang holds a Bachelor’s degree in Earth Science from Peking University, a Master’s degree in Earth Science from Hong Kong University and a Ph.D. in environmental engineering from Princeton University.

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